Maagulhi (R) - [ Kolhumadulu (Thaa Atoll) ]

General Information

DMS Latitude 2° 32' 17'' N
DMS Longitude 73° 10' 46'' E
Area (ha) 4.10
Length (m)
Width (m)
Island status Under Ministry of Tourism
Leased info Under Ministry of Tourism (Since 17/4/2023)
Nearest to airport name
Proximity to airport (km)
Nearest sea plane landing area
Proximity to sea plane landing area (km)
Nearest inhabited island
Proximity to inhabited island (km)
Nearest uninhabited island
Proximity to uninhabited island (km)
Nearest lagoon
Proximity to lagoon (km)
Nearest resort
Proximity to resort (km)
Bait Found Yes
Reef fish found Yes
Purpose For Tourism Development
Weather condition
Protected area
Environmentally sensitive area
Invasive species
Sea plane landing area
Ice plants
Fish processing plants
Agricultural islands
Regional ports
Historical islands
Picnic islands
Marine protected areas
Biosphere reserve

Map Image

Satellite Image

Soil Details

Height at sea leavel
Height between soil water lens
Quality of water lens
Soil pH
Top soil depth
Soil Quality
Soil content - Sand (%)
Soil content - Clay (%)
Soil content - Silt (%)

Land - Natural Vegetation

Coconut Groves Details

Variety Name Area (sq.ft) Qualitative Age

Other Vegetation

Species Area (sq.ft) Qualitative

Non-Vegetative Area

Name Area (sq.ft) Species

Wet Lands


Name Area (sq.ft) Fauna Flora Qualitative


Name Area (sq.ft) Fauna Flora Qualitative

Costal/Beach Area


Monsoon Side High tide (m) Mid tide (m) Low tide (m) Lagoon side


Side Area (sq.ft)

Accreting Beach

Season - South East
Eroding side Accreting side Area (sq.ft)
Season - North West
Eroding side Accreting side Area (sq.ft)


Vegetation At Beach Area

Name Percentage (%)

Vegetation In Land

Name Percentage (%)


Aquatic Details

Natural lagoon or not Size (ha) Natural entry to the island Lagoon depth (m)

Field Area

No of field area Crop cultivated Area (sq.ft)

Animal Husbandry

Animal name No of livestock Area (sq.ft)


Product name Process method Area (sq.ft) Scale of production

Protected & Sensitive

Fully Protected

Location Name of the site Size (sq ft) Purpose of protection Fauna Flora

Partially Protected

Location Name of the site Size (sq ft) Purpose of protection Fauna Flora


Location Name of the site Size (sq ft) Fauna Flora

Biosphere Reserves

Location Name of the site Land area covered Sea area covered Purpose of conservation Fauna Flora


Location Name of the site Estimated age Reason for protection

Historical Place

Location Name of the site Size (sq ft) Reason for protection


Location Name of the site Size (sq ft) Reason for protection Fauna Flora

Historical Data

Historical Data

Visual clue of historical data Evidence Prior usage of the island

Old Historical Tree

Name Where it is Age


Name Quantity/ Capacity

Invasive Species


Name Percentage


Name Percentage Reports

Local birds in the island

Scientific Name

Migratory Birds

Bird Name Season

Other Feature

Local Name Description

Island Gallery